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Computer Networks Laboratory

Course Code:


Course Credits:





Semester 4

About the Course:

Computer Networks Laboratory helps students learn how to put "principles into practice," in a hands-on- networking lab course. These labs will be done in a networked lab setting with Ethernet switches, NICs, desktops and cables. Cisco Packet Tracer, a visual simulation tool designed by Cisco Systems allows students to create network topologies and imitate modern computer networks. Claynet, a network virtualization tool helps students realize large scale networks using routing and switching NFV technology.

Course Objectives:

  • Learn the basic network utilities to analyse and troubleshoot networks.

  • Sniff, filter, and analyze network traffic with Wireshark.

  • Understand the header fields and their values of HTTP, TCP, UDP, IP and IEEE 802.11 protocols.

  • Study how protocols and layering are represented in packets.

  • Apply the client-server model in network socket programming.

Course Outcomes:

At the end of the course, the student will be able to:

  • Be familiar with the network simulator Packet Tracer.

  • Assess different solutions for computer networks.

  • Understand the functionality of seven layers of OSI reference model.

  • Realize network communication skills through socket programming.

  • Design and build a small sized wired or wireless LAN.

Course Content:

Unit 1:

  1. Basic network command-line utilities to monitor/analyse/troubleshoot networks.

  2. Understand the building blocks of networks and usage of Cisco Packet Tracer & Claynet network virtualization platform with reference to OSI Layer.

  3. Network traffic/protocol analysis using packet sniffer – Wireshark.

  4. Network performance effects of HTTP persistent and non-persistent connections.

  5. HTTP protocol investigation on HTTP message formats, Cookies, Conditional Get, Authentication and Caching.

  6. Setting up a DNS server to understand the functionality and its operations.

  7. Extensive network socket programming for applications: Multi-threaded web server, E-mail client, UDP Pinger, Web proxy server.

  8. Analyzing and troubleshooting transport and network layer protocols like TCP, UDP and DHCP using Wireshark.

  9. Understand IPv4 addressing and static routing (Desktops & Claynet).

  10. Understand IPv6 addressing and static routing (Claynet).

  11. Understanding ICMP redirect messages, Broadcast storm and TTL expiry in L2 network (Desktops & Claynet)

  12. Analyzing and troubleshooting Layer 2 protocols (MAC, Ethernet frames, ARP)

  13. Building and testing a small network using Cisco Packet Tracer.

  14. Investigation on 802.11 wireless network protocol.

Unit 2:

Unit 3:

Unit 4:

Unit 5:


Refrence Books:

Laboratory Manual prepared by Department of CSE, PES University

Tools & Languages:

Claynet, Wireshark, Cisco Packet Tracer.

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