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Wireless Network Communication

Course Code:


Course Credits:





Semester 6 (Elective 4)

About the Course:

Wireless Networks Communication is a dynamic field that has spurred tremendous excitement and technological advances. This course provides a comprehensive understanding of the fundamental principles, characteristics, performance limits of wireless systems, their security issues and the insights associated with their design.

Course Objectives:

  • Introduce the emerging trends of wireless network technologies

  • Compare and contrast the wireless network technologies depending on the usage models

  • Explain the characteristics of wireless channels and analyze its impact during communication

  • Discuss various design parameters of communication.

  • Identify different attacks on wireless network and explore several mitigation approaches.

Course Outcomes:

At the end of the course, the student will be able to:

  • Identify and Apply the appropriate wireless technology for real time applications.

  • Simulate the channel characteristics such as path loss, shadowing, analyze the wireless networks and understand the Multipath channel models.

  • Analyze emerging enhancements such as Adaptive Modulation and Multiple Input Multiple Output System.

  • Capture the transmitted packets of wireless networks and analyze them for the wireless communication protocols

  • Determine the threats on wireless network and Apply wireless security mechanisms.

Course Content:

Unit 1:

Overview of Wireless communication - 12 Hours

Introduction,Wireless LAN Technology: IEEE 802.11, WPAN Technologies: Bluetooth, Zigbee, NFC, 6LOWPAN, LPWAN- LORA, Weightless, Wireless Local Loop (WLL)-LMDS, MMDS, WiMAX, Long Range Communication- Satellite Communication, Wireless communication analysis using Wireshark.

Unit 2:

Overview of Wireless Communication-II - 12 Hours

Cellular Network: Cellular System Fundamentals, Channel Reuse, SIR and User Capacity, Interference Reduction Techniques, Mobile Applications and Mobile IP, Tradeoff between Battery, Bandwidth and Distance, Wireless Channel Models: Path Loss and Shadowing Models, Millimeter Wave Propagation, Fading Models: Statistical Fading Models, Narrowband Fading, Wideband Fading Models.

Unit 3:

Impact of Fading and ISI on Wireless Performance - 12 Hours

Capacity of Wireless Channels, Digital Modulation and its Performance, Adaptive Modulation: Adaptive Transmission System, Adaptive Techniques; Variable-Rate Variable-Power MQAM, Multiple Input/ Multiple Output (MIMO): Narrowband MIMO Model, Parallel Decomposition of the MIMO Channel, MIMO channel capacity, MIMO Diversity Gain: Beam forming, Diversity/Multiplexing Tradeoffs, Space-Time Modulation, Frequency-Selective MIMO Channels, Smart Antennas.

Unit 4:

Multicarrier Systems - 10 Hours

Data Transmission using Multiple Carriers, Multicarrier Modulation with Overlapping Subchannels, OFDM, OFDMA, Single- carrier FDMA, Challenges in Multicarrier Systems, Multiuser Channels: The Uplink and Downlink, Multiple Access, Random Access, Downlink (Broadcast) Channel Capacity, Uplink (Multiple Access) Channel Capacity, Uplink/Downlink Duality.

Unit 5:

Security - 10 Hours

Attacks on Wireless Network, Attacks on Wireless Clients, WEP-Wired Equivalent Privacy Protocol Security, WiFi Security: WiFi Protected Access, WiFi Protected Access 2, WPA2 Wireless Enterprise Network, RADIUS, Handling Rogue Access Points, Theory of Defense for security wireless Networks.


1: “Wireless Communication”, Andrea Goldsmith, First Edition, Cambridge University Press, 2012

Refrence Books:

1: "Wireless Communication Networks and Systems", by Cory Beard and William Stallings,1st edition, pearson, 2015.

2: "Wireless Network Security: A Beginner’s Guide" by Tyler Wrightson, McGraw-Hill Education; edition, 2012.

Tools & Languages:

Wireshark, Claynet/packetracer

Desirable Knowledge : UE19CS253 – Computer Networks

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