Dr. Ashok Kumar Patil
Associate Professor
Dr. Ashok Kumar Patil holds a full-time Ph.D. from GSAIM, Chung-Ang University, Seoul, South Korea in Computer Graphics and Virtual Reality. Currently, he is associated with the ISFCR and IoT research centre at PESU. His research interests include Computer Graphics, Virtual Reality, HCI, Automation in 3D reconstruction, and Autonomous vehicles. He has more than 2+ years of industrial experience and he is actively engaged in the research for more than 11+ years. Before joining PES, he worked as a Postdoctoral Researcher and Research Associate in the Virtual Environments Lab, Chung-Ang University. Duringhis research tenure, he has worked on multiple Korean government-funded projects. He has discussed his research work at international conferences and published manuscripts in top international journals.